Long Term Health

  • Live Long and Prosper (notes on ‘how to’)

    okinawa longevityMaybe it’s because I turned 60 last year. Maybe it’s because my mom died that year too, at age 91. Or maybe it’s just the business I’m in. But lately, I’ve found myself freakishly obsessed with longevity. Not just longevity.  I recognize that once born, we all have the same fate. We will die at some point.

    My philosophy, and the basis for what and how I teach, is that I want to be healthy when I die. And I want that for you too; a life of vitality, well-being and inner peace, to the very end.

  • Holiday Survival Guide

    dinner party 600

    dinner party 600
    Yikes! Here we are. The holiday season has crept up on us again. If you’re feeling as though you’re being chased by something just short of sinister, the feeling is well-founded. While the holidays are intended to be a time of celebration, gratitude, kindness and connection, often they also trigger stress, over indulgence, guilt and anxiety.

    This is NOT the time to start a diet, make a resolution or begin a drastic health regimen.  It IS a time to hunker down and hold on to our sanity, our composure, and our good judgment. We can think about a new routine in the new year.

  • Can we have a serious conversation about obesity?

    Health Care Costs due To Obesity

    Health Care Costs due To Obesity
    The Health, Fitness, Wellness industry has been the object of my passion for nearly 40 years.  Through the years, I have worked with a variety of businesses, organizations and personal clients.  My professional experiences along with being a mother of two has moved me to become an advocate for healthy changes in schools, families, neighborhoods and businesses.  Along with that I have partnered with and trained fitness and wellness professionals as well as business and community leaders who share this passion for helping individuals and communities foster positive healthful change.

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