Dr MaryJayne

Profound Wellness
Inspiration to enrich your life with conscious commitment to movement, nourishment & mindful self-expression.

My Book

From Overwhelmed to Inspired
A traveler's companion on the road to Lifetime Wellness

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Casey is visiting with Dr. Mary Jayne Rogers about her new book

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This Week In AMerics with Rick Bratton

Doctor MaryJayne is interviewed by Rick Bratton for his radio show.

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From My Book - Nourishment

Which foods serve you and which do not is the foundation for choosing wisely..

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From My Book - Body

Close your eyes and think about your body. What comes to mind?

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From My Book - Wellness

It's the best in each of us
Wellness is a conscious commitment to growth and improvement in all areas.

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  • Practicing the “Rhythm Method” can be good for your health…

    The Circadian Rhythm Method that is!

    root vegetable salad 925x

    root vegetable salad 925x
    If you’ve been following diet trends over the past few years, you’ve probably heard about all the different types of “Fasting Diets”. Nowadays, there are dozens – everything from alternate day fasting, to two-day-per-week fasting, to fasting 20 hours per day (Yep - every day!)

    These diets are based on quite a bit of research that has revealed that we tend to be healthier when we restrict eating in ways that are compatible with our circadian rhythms.

  • Small Steps Can Lead to Big Strides - First in a Series

    In my last blog I talked about the idea of letting your resolution “emerge” as you settle into the New Year.  But let’s face it, it’s the New Year and most people take this opportunity to make decisions about life changes.  As I have been doing radio interviews for my book, this theme continually arises.

    The underlying idea in my book is that as we begin to take small steps in changing our lifestyle, we can gain big strides toward achieving a healthy, balanced life.

    In my next few blogs, I will talk about some of the small changes you can begin to make in your food selection and approach to moving more.  

Latest Blogs & News

Pleased to Meet You!

I was recently invited by Valeria Teles to be a guest on her podcast: Fit for Joy. The podcast, I was told, was to be based on my book, From Overwhelmed to Ins...

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Are You Masking Bad Breathing Habits?

These past several weeks and months, the idea of mask wearing has been getting A LOT of attention. This blog isn’t intended to weigh in on the debate. It IS in...

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Ready to Reappear?

Hellooo out there! How are you feeling? Have you begun to creep out from wherever you’ve been distancing? Have you peeked out and considered crawling back? I’...

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