
happy holidays on woodgrain

happy holidays on woodgrain
Hello Friends. As I type this, we are up to our bellies in the holiday season. (pun totally intended!)

Yep. This time of year can produce a mishmash of feelings that leaves us stranded in a tumultuous sea of stress, swarming with ravenous, distorted emotions that make navigating the holidays healthfully a real act of courage; requiring insight, balance, and incredible patience.

I’d ask you to take just a few seconds – right now – and ask your heart and body how it’s going for you. Are you feeling calm? Rested? Sane? At ease?

Or perhaps you’re experiencing unrestrained outbursts? Snippiness with loved ones? Anxiety? Are you feeling hurried and harried?

Maybe a bit of all of the above.

And that is what I want to talk about today.

Many of us look forward to the holidays with anticipation of loving connections, the joy of giving, and the warmth and magic of the season. Even so, the freneticism of the season can bring out the absolute WORST in our emotions and behaviors.

What’s that about?

For many of us, the experiences of our past, both good and bad, are amplified during the holidays. Generally, this megaphone tends to be louder with regard to negativity. We all have at least one memory of a holiday disaster that sucked the joy out of the holidays for us, whether it was an intoxicated family member, a terrible accident, or a feeling of loss or abandonment. I’ll bet you can come up with at least one example.

So why do we keep putting ourselves through this every year?

Because the beauty and warmth of loving connections always outshine the negative. The holidays are a time when we’re reminded of this.  We’re eager to feel the love of friends and family and the gratitude that can swell our entire being.

When we feel this inner peace, we are home. Home in our bodies.  Home in our hearts and minds and emotions. This is where we want to reside.

I invite you to revisit both of these feelings, the negative and the positive. Feel the contrast – the deep sense of delight and gladness juxtaposed against the frustration, anxiety, and stress. Go back and forth with that for a moment.

Which do you choose?

I hope you chose your happy place.

Continue this exercise. Feed the positive emotions with thoughts of gratitude, tenderness, and compassion. Allow these sensations to fill your entire being.

Now, if you can, imagine the heat of these warm, bright feelings, melting away the cold darkness of the old memories and negative reactions.  Really get a sense of it. Feel the power of the goodness you’re feeling?


Each day throughout this season, (ha! And the year too for that matter) those dark, hurtful feelings and memories will undoubtedly creep back. Remember this exercise and take a moment to journey back home – to your goodness, your power, and your grace. Use this brilliance to dissolve those memories and feelings that are not serving you and your greater good.

I have confidence in you.  You got this!

My holiday-wellness-wish for you is that these powerful, loving, confident feelings will be your supply and that they will fill your sails and carry you through the season and into a new year of well-being, hope, and peace.

My very best to you,

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