What’s in your DNA?
Those of you who know me can attest to the fact that through the years, I’ve really striven to learn the most up-to-date information on wellness, healthy aging, and well-being and incorporate what I’ve learned into my daily life as well as to share what I’ve learned with others.
And yet, over time, I’ve been plagued with increasingly ubiquitous ‘discomfort’ (a.k.a. pain)
All of my physicals come back with beautifully glowing lab results that indicate perfect health – and yet – I’m hurting. And for all the perfectly-perfect lifestyle and diet choices I make, I don’t necessarily feel robust.
At the suggestion of my chiropractor, I went to see Kimberly Feagans, B.A., CWK, CKP, who specializes in Wholistic Methylation and Wholistic Kinesiology. What I learned about myself, and by extension, my family was truly enlightening. But beyond that, it gave me hope that I could resolve many, if not all, of my issues.
I’d like to share this information with you, in the event you or someone you love may be struggling with health challenges and are looking for a wholistic approach to solving those challenges. This is a fascinating but complex subject – not one I can explain properly. So, I went straight to the source, Kimberly Feagans, to learn more about what this process is and how it can help the body to heal itself.
The following is an interview with Kimberly Feagans:
Dr.MJ: What is Methylation? What does it mean?
KF: The topic of methylation has been getting its share of attention lately, and rightly so. Methylation is a simple biochemical process – it is the transfer of four atoms - one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms (CH3) – from one substance to another. It is a very important genetic process that happens in every cell, trillions of times each minute. It also determines how our inherited genes are turned on or off.
Simply put, when optimal methylation occurs, it has a significant positive impact on many biochemical reactions in the body that regulate the activity of the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems, including those relating to: DNA production, neurotransmitter production, detoxification, histamine metabolism, estrogen metabolism, eye health, fat metabolism, and cellular energy.
Methylation is a process in the body that controls the replication of DNA, the aging process of each individual cell, and ultimately can play a role in the development, or lack thereof, of chronic disease. Methylation includes looking at your inherited gene expressions (passed down directly from your parents) and how they fit into a methylation roadmap.This, along with your raw data from sources like AncestryDNA, helps us to determine your current and potential genetic health and expression.
Dr. MJ: What are Wholistic Kinesiology and Wholistic Methylation?
KF: Kinesiology is a branch of science which was developed by doctors, chiropractors, and acupuncturists in the USA. They pooled their knowledge and added it to Chinese medicine (using the scientifically verified meridian/energy system in the body) to develop a totally new technology which is amazingly efficient at balancing the body so that it can return to excellent health, energy, and emotional strength. It stands apart from any other type of health technology largely due to its use of revolutionary non-invasive muscle testing.
Kinesiology evaluates the neurological functioning of the body’s nervous system using an indicator muscle. The nervous system (meridian system) is electrical in nature, with its positive and negative currents. With muscle testing, we are zoning in on any short-circuiting (imbalances) in this system. Using nutrition, supplements, and various other modalities, these imbalances in the nervous system will come back into balance and one’s body will begin to heal and repair. This is where one begins to feel “In Sync” with their body, mind, and spirit and total health and well-being can return.
Wholistic Kinesiology is a branch of Kinesiology created and specialized by Dr. J. Dunn. It is the most sophisticated, functional, detailed, and remarkable kinesiology tool that allows one to speak clearly with the body.
Now...Wholistic Methylation is a very specialized process that unites the "art" of utilizing Wholistic Methylation techniques while incorporating Wholistic Kinesiology. The two work hand and hand, beautifully in symphony to take the guess-work out of just analyzing one’s genetics and making "one size fits all" recommendations, similar to the way the Western Medical system operates. One should be careful about generalizing the health information one reads, as each person is completely different from the next and what works for one person rarely works the same way for another. For example, one client’s life may change on the spot by taking a nutrient called 5-MTHF and another may get very sick temporarily and be very uncomfortable.
As an Advanced Wholistic Methylation practitioner, I research as much information about you as I can possibly attain. Step One for many people is to get your DNA tested. I prefer AncestryDNA.com which will give you a host of ancestry information and will give me an incredible blueprint of your genes. I then analyze this blueprint using one of many databases. I prefer FHEval. Using this information along with many other tools including muscle testing, I can begin to determine your distinct health care risks, as well as the optimal nutrients, lifestyle, and diet for your unique needs.
Dr. MJ: What is FHEval?
KF: FHEval stands for Functional Health Evaluation. It is a very specific database where I, as your health care practitioner, will download your raw data. This will generate a very informative 20+ page report discussing the details of what your genetics actually means. It includes a color chart that will highlight your most significant genetic SNPs or variants (variations in your genes) that have been researched to date.
FHEval was designed by Dr. J Dunn, the originator of Wholistic Kinesiology and Wholistic Methylation, and Dr. Lynn Toohey of Nutri-West, a medically-based line of high-quality nutritional supplements. Though this report will have many nutrients, diet and lifestyle recommendations, many will overlap, and this is where you will need a wholistic methylation practitioner like me to help you "sort" out exactly what nutrients, etc. are most important for your overall optimal health and well-being. This process will help you to heal, detox, and bring back the best expression of your DNA, along with reversing inherited DNA imbalances or preventing them from expressing in the future as one ages.
Dr.MJ: Tell me a little about your own story of healing and how this has helped you.
KF: Actually, I did a lot of major healing with the help of Kinesiology and Dr. J Dunn many years before this "new" Methylation revolution began. And I did a lot of other complementary therapies as well. But overall the Kinesiology and subsequent Wholistic Kinesiology technique was like the beacon seeing me most clearly through the storm. At first, I began my journey by falling into a deep depression at the very young and hormonal age of 14. There were definitely several extenuating factors that probably helped pushed me over the edge, but all of my life to that point I had been very successful and resilient. For me to fall into this deep dark depression and not be able to get out quickly was quite a mystery to all.
Now looking back, I see it all in my genetics...I definitely had inherited a predisposition towards many painful mental health issues, that with just the right stress and possibly hormonal shifts, sparked a most horrible condition that lasted for close to 15 years with hardly a single day's break. This was the time that I finally met my mentor to be, Dr. J Dunn, and slowly, with a few other alternative docs and tons of research by myself and family members, I realized that I had sub-clinical hypothyroidism which had not been detected over many years and many blood tests. Dr. Dunn and her work were pivotal in helping me to realize all the imbalances in my body and endocrine system which eventually lead to my finally wanting to live and thrive again. Yep, I was very close to losing my life over that one.
Though this story is not directly related to the current topic of Wholistic Methylation, this process brought about my passion to help others never have to experience a situation like what I went through. This is only one of my trials along the way as I also dealt with several serious physical and life-threatening auto-immune diseases including severe ulcerative colitis and pyoderma gangrenosa. No matter what happened along the way, Kinesiology was one of the most important tools that helped to see me through to the other side. I have now been in "remission" for well over 14 years! Yes, absolutely no signs of what the doctors promised would be the most difficult and life-altering disease for the rest of my life.
The amazing way that Wholistic Methylation is helping me then and now is through thoroughly researching my genetics. This has helped me to see how I was potentially "set-up" to experience all those super challenging health issues in the past, and where many aspects of my life placed pressure on my genes to express in unhealthy ways. Now, after studying Wholistic Kinesiology and Wholistic Methylation closely with Dr. Dunn for over 5 years, I believe that I am capable of maintaining the best health of my life. Using the knowledge that I have attained to this point, and which evolves daily, I feel empowered and have a much greater understanding of my health and how to keep feeling my best for decades to come.
Dr.MJ: And what other profound issues have you had success with using this method?
KF: There are very few health challenges that I haven't dealt with.
I’ve seen some of the most outstanding and incredible changes in the lives of my clients that range from couples dealing with infertility to individuals with diabetic neuropathy, gastrointestinal issues, drug addiction (both legal and illegal), weight problems, and allergies and depression, and anxiety as well. These are just a few of the many successes I have witnessed in my clients and they are what makes the work I do truly rewarding.
Dr.MJ: I noticed that in my own evaluation there were a lot of areas that pertain to mental health, such as brain chemistry, anxiety, anger, addiction, and insomnia. Can you talk about how this method can help heal these areas?
KF: Methylation plays a vital role in our immune system, detoxifying, controlling inflammation, silencing cancers cells and viruses, as well as making important neurotransmitters. It contributes to our physical, emotional and mental well-being and without it, we simply could not survive.
One critical function of methylation is on mental health. One prime example includes a genetic defect that many of us have in one form or another, the MTHFR defect (an inability for the body to process and use folic acid.) This methylation deficiency leads to imbalances of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers in the brain that are produced to control mood, sleep, energy, memory, and cognitive function. If various neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are in low supply, it interferes with the brain’s messaging system and can lead to mood disorders, including anger, anxiety, depression, and contribute to attention deficit disorders and other symptoms, including addictions of all kinds.
The good news is that when the body is supported by the proper nutrients for that particular person, then adding in the activated form of folate, in a very careful fashion, can bypass this defect and allow the body to begin making the proper neurotransmitters again and many of the mental health and brain chemistry issues can lighten or dissipate.
Additionally, methylation does more than just produce neurotransmitters. The methyl groups help to repair DNA, turn off harmful genes, remove toxins, reduce oxidative stress, and fight disease.
As science is learning more and more about the human genome and the ways in which our unique DNA influences personal health and well-being, you are sure to be seeing more about this in the news as well as a myriad of advertising.
The thing to remember is that YOU are UNIQUELY you. Exploring your specific genetic tendencies can offer real insight into your current and future health.
To learn more about Wholistic Methylation and Wholistic Kinesiology, you can contact Kimberly at:
Kimberly Feagans, B.A. CWK, CKP
In Sync Health & Design, LLC
(505) 463-4143
Next time I’ll be discussing how mindfulness can change your brain.
Until then,
Be well!