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Is pole dancing a safe option when you're expecting? And, generally, which types of exercise are safe?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists urges pregnant women without complications to exercise and says that those who are inactive prior to becoming pregnant should begin an exercise program, is pole dancing a safe option? And, generally, which types of exercise are safe when you're expecting?

"As with any type of exercise, but especially during pregnancy, we have to use good judgment and common sense," said American Council on Exercise (ACE) spokeswoman Mary Jayne Johnson, Ph.D. "While there may be some moves in pole dancing that may actually be recommended during pregnancy -- pelvic tilts, for example -- generally, issues with balance and laxity of joints would suggest that pole dancing is not a common-sense approach to safe exercise during pregnancy."

While a healthy, active woman can generally continue most activities during her first trimester, she will need to modify her exercise program as her body changes.

Johnson recommends that every pregnant woman focus on pelvic floor exercises, deep core strength, stretching and strengthening the lower back and chest, strengthening the legs, hips and arms, strengthening the feet and gentle balance exercises.

"Most importantly," she says. "Listen to your body."

If you need some motivation, consider this: Pregnant women who were able to do moderate-intensity aerobic activity experienced deliveries that were shorter by about 30 minutes compared to their less-fit counterparts, according to a Scandinavian study.