Sport Performance

horse nose

horse nose
Yep – it’s horse-racing season. But it’s not the only season for noses.  It’s also allergy season. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you may experience the constant runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes etc. Allergies can be miserable!

But this article isn’t about allergies per se either. So, what do horseracing and allergies have in common?  The nose!


I wanted to share with you some information on breathing – specifically nose breathing as opposed to mouth breathing. Let’s get to the interesting info first and then we’ll circle back to the allergy question.

Many people, for a variety of reasons, tend to breathe through the mouth. Often this pattern of mouth breathing isn’t even noticeable. For example, those who are in a profession that requires a lot of talking, like teachers, or salespeople, may be sipping pockets of air through the mouth as they speak. Some folks may have acquired the habit from sinus problems or chronic stuffiness from colds, or from intense workouts.

It may seem inconsequential. But the truth is, mouth breathing sets us up for a variety of problems whereas nose breathing can help solve a variety of problems. Here’s why.

When we breathe through the nose, the air is not only warmed and moistened to prepare to enter the lungs and the bloodstream, it is also cleaned. The tiny nose hairs that we all hate as we get older, filter out dirt and pollutants. Also, the tonsils and adenoids are part of our immune system. They trap bacteria and viruses and also have antibodies that help prevent throat and lung infections.  If you still have your tonsils and adenoids – good for you – literally!

  • Nose breathing also increases levels of Nitric Oxide (not laughing gas). Nitric Oxide (NO) helps improve blood flow, blood pressure, and prevent blood clots that can lead to heart attack or stroke. New research has uncovered a relationship between low NO and chronic inflammation.
  • Nose breathing also prevents “over breathing” which causes too much CO2 to be exhaled.
  • Exhaling too much CO2 causes reduced blood flow to the brain. Reduced blood flow to the brain also means reduce O2 to the brain.
  • We get O2 into our blood by gas exchange, not by breathing in more air through our mouths. We need a certain amount of CO2 in our system in order to get the O2 out of our red blood cells and into the tissues. With mouth breathing not as much O2 gets passed to the tissues. This is obviously important to our entire body, but imagine the difference for working muscles…
  • Instead, slower nose breathing allows for more O2 to move from the blood and into the tissues which is certainly important during exercise.
  • In conjunction with encouraging nose breathing, we also want to encourage diaphragmatic breathing. The diaphragm is our primary muscle for respiration. When we breathe diaphragmatically, we can feel a sense of ease as the belly and low ribs expand during our inhale and return to normal on the inhale.
  • Mouth breathing tends to recruit “accessory” breathing muscles in the neck and upper chest. This can cause tightness across the chest and neck pain. In fact, mouth breathing can even induce an asthma attack in the case of exercise-induced asthma.
  • When we inhale, we stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). That’s the “fight or flight” system. When we exhale, the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is stimulated. PNS is the “rest and digest” system. In our fast-paced society, we tend to spend too much time in SNS stimulation which is leading to a whole laundry list of health problems. In short, in order to support a healthier mind and body, we need to spend more time in PNS stimulation. This is another reason for slowing down the breath, taking air in through the nose and enjoying a nice long exhale.

Getting back to allergy season. There are many schools of thought as to the BEST method for breathing. For the allergy sufferers who may be reading this and wondering how on earth can I possibly breathe through my nose with all of this junk blocking my airway, some of these methods, such as Buteyko breathing can actually help clear your sinuses!

I encourage you to explore nose breathing. Try to catch yourself when you are breathing through the mouth – yes even in spin class. Focus on slowing down and bringing air in through your nose. In moments when you can focus on your breath, try making your exhales longer than your inhales. For example, inhale for a count of one and exhale for a count of two. Allow your belly to rise and fall as you breathe.  I’ll bet you notice a difference immediately.

Until next time,

Be well.

p.s. A big round of applause for…ME! I officially became a certified health coach on April 20th. I know this added level of education will help me to help others along their journey toward a life of improved health and well-being.

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