As the holiday season winds down, the busy-ness and distractions of the season also begin to wane.  For most of us we become so consumed with the activities of the holiday season that we miss the occasion to consider the shift from the darkest days of the year to gradual transition toward brighter days.

I confess I am completely solar powered.  During these darkest days of winter, while society and culture demand that we be extraordinarily busy and celebratory, my system resists the exhilaration of the season.  

My body, perhaps yours too, wants to slow down a bit, cocoon in, hunker down.

And that's the way it is in nature, many animals hibernate, plants withdraw their energy back into the earth and wait for longer days and the healing energy of the sun to bring them back to life.

As we enter into the New Year, many of us feel compelled to make resolutions, consider ambitions for the next 12 months or look to how we might overcome obstacles in the New Year.

For me, making these choices effective January 1, doesn’t give me the time I need. I don’t have enough sunlight yet, to spring forth into new ambitions. 

Consider a tulip, for example. The tulip bulb rests in the cold and darkness of winter.  The tulip doesn’t worry about becoming a tulip.  It simply honors its wintertime in calm assurance that it’s essence – the beauty of the bloom will emerge in it’s own time and process.

Perhaps this year, rather than forcing yourself to bloom prematurely with dramatic resolutions on January 1st, it might be interesting to be more tulip-like.   Take a little extra time to notice the days becoming longer, to consider your personal essence; who you are, where are you going, what will you become.

Your essence is within you, it simply needs the light of your contemplation and composure to nurture it into bloom.  And bloom it will.  Just like the tulip, your newest version of yourself will emerge. 

It is not only ok to rest now and to be assured, it is a compassionate gift to yourself.

My very best to you today and through the coming year.

Be well my friend,

From Overwhelmed to Inspired Front CoverP.S.  My book, “From Overwhelmed to Inspired ~ Your Personal Guide to Health and Well-being” is available now on Amazon.  I will be doing a talk and book signing Saturday, January 21, at Natural Grocers on Wyoming and also on February 5th at Page One.  I would be glad to sign a copy for you!

P.P.S.  I also did my first radio show to talk about the book.  It will air on KSFR’s Women’s Health on Sunday January 8th.  If you are in the Santa Fe listening area, I hope you will tune in!

I would love your feedback on the book.  Send me an email and tell me about your "journey".
