Doctor MaryJayne on Wellness

CD Rog 02 shrunkAs a recognized leader in the Health, Wellness and Fitness Industries, Dr. Mary Jayne blogs on current research, fads and observations.

Mary Jayne is the founder of Profound WellnessTM, which was created to embrace the concept of whole-person health and provide avenues for each of us to discover and embark upon a journey toward a lifetime of Profound Wellness.

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Emerging Into The New Year.

As the holiday season winds down, the busy-ness and distractions of the season also begin to wane.  For most of us we become so consumed with the activities of the holiday season that we miss the occasion to consider the shift from the darkest days of the year to gradual transition toward brighter days.

I confess I am completely solar powered.  During these darkest days of winter, while society and culture demand that we be extraordinarily busy and celebratory, my system resists the exhilaration of the season.  

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“Do not judge me by successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”  Nelson Mandela

These past couple of weeks I have been giving a lot of consideration to the idea of resilience.  In my book, From Overwhelmed to Inspired, I talk about the importance of resilience as one of the three keys to success. 

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Mindful Awareness – Tuning In and Tuning Out

Some of the most fascinating research being conducted in the field of “Wellness” is in the topic of “Mindfulness”.

In fact, we are seeing some pretty amazing health benefits achieved by simply practicing “Mindfulness”.  These benefits include reduced stress, improved immune system, reduced depression, improved sleep, decreased blood pressure and more.

This is great news for our overall health and well-being right?

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Hip Hip Hooray!

In my last blog, I talked about osteoarthritis and how it led to my decision to have a total hip replacement.   I had the surgery on Monday, October 3 and fortunately, am recovering nicely.

However, this is not an easy surgery.  Perhaps you have followed Lara Spencer on Good Morning America through her ordeal with a total hip replacement.  I just saw a People magazine article in which Spencer shares that one month post surgery she is now able to walk a mile and do more exercises to help get her back in pre-surgery shape.

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Osteoarthritis and Beyond

As you may know, I will soon be having a total hip replacement.  When I mention this to those who know me, I get this incredulous look and the inevitable question, “You?”  “How did this happen?”

It’s a great question.  I wish I knew the answer.

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Bossy the Colon

There is an old joke about all of the body parts having a meeting to decide which one was the most important and should therefore be the boss.*

The Brain said, "I should be the boss because I run the body's systems. Without me nothing would happen."

The Blood declared, "I should be the boss because I circulate oxygen and nutrients all over the body. Without me you'd waste away."

The Stomach said, "I should be the boss because I process food that gives all of you energy."

The Legs said, "I should be the boss because I carry the body wherever it needs to go."

The Eyes said, "I should be the boss because I allow the body to see where it goes." 

Hearing all of this the Colon protested, "I am the boss because I’m responsible for waste removal."

All the other body parts laughed at the Colon and insulted him. So in a huff, he went on strike and refused to work.

Within a few days, the brain had a terrible headache, the stomach was bloated, the legs got wobbly, the eyes got blurry, and the blood was toxic.

All the body parts conceded. The Colon really was the boss!

*This story was cleaned up for the purposes of this blog

If you have ever experienced a colon that has gone on strike for a few days, I’m sure you appreciate the value of a happy colon. But your colon does much more than waste removal.

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Travel Happy, Live Happy, S-T-R-E-T-C-H Happy

If you have been reading my blogs for awhile, you have probably come across this video on fascia by Dr. Gil Hedley.  I am including it again here because it is such a wonderful visual to help understanding fascia and the importance of moving.

Take a look:

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