
  • What a Good Marriage Means to Your Health -

    Having a good marriage can lead to a number of health benefits, and the stronger the commitment the greater the rewards.

    hitchedlogo largeEvery year, we see more couples choosing not to marry. Many choose to cohabitate. Many do not want even that level of commitment. The Atlantic, recently reported that these couples are not afraid of marriage per se, but instead are afraid they will be unable to stay married. In other words, what they fear is divorce; which is understandable considering the emotional and financial ramifications of dissolving a marriage.


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  • Words Matter: 10 Steps to Healing from Word Wounds

    divine carolineWe have all heard and probably recited the nursery rhyme “sticks and stones can break my bones…” You know the rest: “But words can never hurt me.” If only it were true. The fact is that words do hurt. Unlike a bruise or broken bone, we can’t see the wound on the outside. Most of us can recall instances from our own lives when words cut deeply, causing wounds that may still hurt. Since these wounds are not visible to others, we go through life exhibiting behaviors that come from how we deal with these old hurts. If we try to bury the wound rather than learn from it, we not only prevent healing but we are likely to inflict pain on others.wellness logo

    Read the rest of this article on Divine Caroline

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  • Alone But Not Lonely -

    beliefnetMany of us find there are times in our lives when we are alone. Perhaps we are living alone as a young adult in our first apartment, or newly single after a divorce or loss of a partner. Unfortunately, the society we live in does not value the concept of alone. We are often made to feel as though aloneness is sad, depressing or even socially unacceptable. 

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  • What a Good Marriage Means to Your Health

    Having a good marriage can lead to a number of health benefits, and the stronger the commitment the greater the rewards.

    Marriage is a witness to our value on this earth and to our actual existence. It may be the greatest gift one person can give another.

    Every year, we see more couples choosing not to marry. Many choose to cohabitate. Many do not want even that level of commitment. The Atlantic, recently reported that these couples are not afraid of marriage per se, but instead are afraid they will be unable to stay married. In other words, what they fear is divorce; which is understandable considering the emotional and financial ramifications of dissolving a marriage.

  • 10 Steps to Eliminating Resentment in Your Day - EHarmony

    eh-logoMost of us have experienced some level of resentment at one point or another in our lives. Resentment can spiral out of control, fester and begin to take over our thoughts, actions and even our well-being. Resentment can overwhelm our innate sense of joy and ease. How can we overcome these feelings and regain contentment and peace of mind? Here are 10 steps to help control the downward spiral of resentment.

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  • Six Ways to Bring Out the Best in Your Partner

    Congratulations! You have found someone with whom you want to share your time, your feelings, your love; your life. You have been given a precious gift. A loving relationship is something to treasure, to nurture and cultivate. Your connection should deepen with time and allow you to evolve as a couple as well as individually. While there are many ways to foster the best in your relationship, one approach is to encourage the best in your partner. Below are six basic principles to help guide you along the way.

  • The Breath of Coupling

    Breathing; it’s the thing we do every second of every day; day in and day out. Most often our breath happens without giving any thought to it, unless we are “out of it” or need to “catch it” or if some circumstance “takes it away.” Some of us take time during the day to notice our breath, focus on it, and use it to calm us and to help nourish our bodies and souls.

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