As a recognized wellness authority, Dr Mary Jayne is an Expert Contributor to and Dr. MJ also pulishes regularly on other health, wellness and fitness web sites. 

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Women, Sugar and Addiction -

hitchedlogo largeKicking a sugar habit can prove difficult when life throws us curveballs. Take your health back and just say no to indulgence.

I have noticed that more and more businesses keep a small bowl of candy in reception areas and on countertops. They are practically becoming part of the décor.

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The Breath of Coupling

eh-logoBreathing; it’s the thing we do every second of every day; day in and day out. Most often our breath happens without giving any thought to it, unless we are “out of it” or need to “catch it” or if some circumstance “takes it away.” Some of us take time during the day to notice our breath, focus on it, and use it to calm us and to help nourish our bodies and souls.

Read the full article on eHarmony Advice

Alone But Not Lonely -

beliefnetMany of us find there are times in our lives when we are alone. Perhaps we are living alone as a young adult in our first apartment, or newly single after a divorce or loss of a partner. Unfortunately, the society we live in does not value the concept of alone. We are often made to feel as though aloneness is sad, depressing or even socially unacceptable. 

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