Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and think about your body. What comes to mind?

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Do you feel the mechanical miracle of the heart and lungs pumping away, continually supplying your cells with oxygen and nourishment? Do you see the spark of the billions of electrical impulses that allow for thoughts, emotions and movement? Can you sense the fluidity of chemical processes that produce energy and metabolism?

Unfortunately, our busy and often stress-filled lives upset the vital rhythm of our breath. Being mindfully aware of our need to breathe fully, frequently throughout the day and certainly during periods of stress or anxiety, can soothe our souls and reduce the negative consequences of stress. Moreover, by including mindful movement that encourages oxygen to permeate our heart, lungs and muscles we awaken the vitality that we were born with but, like water, stagnates without the flow of movement.

As we talked about during our first look at OWN, water makes up as much as 70% of our bodies. Here is an interesting fact; the earth is also about 70% water. Perhaps this is nature revealing to us how interconnected we are. It is easy to see that the oceans could not flourish if they were filled with coffee, diet soda, fruit juices or sports drinks. Ocean life needs water. Land animals need water. YOU need water.

Supporting yourself, nurturing yourself with wholesome life-giving food is, in fact, giving life to your body, mind and spirit. Each of the billions of your tiny microscopic cells begins to radiate with new energy and light. Even small steps toward making better choices about the food that enters your body will reap benefits. As your whole being begins to receive the gift of healthful nourishment it will thank you with brighter functioning and clearer thinking.

Until next time…
Be well my friends.

P.S. You can find fully expanded explanations of these concepts in “From Overwhelmed to Inspired”.